Over a million women have modeling portfolios online. BROKEN SIDE OF TIME is the story of Dolce, one of the models who've made a career of it. But now 30, and tired of competing with 18-year-olds, Dolce realizes what…
伦理片冒险 生活
超过 100 万的妇女具有建模在线的投资组合。碎边的时间是甜蜜的一种模型过它的事业的人的故事。但现在 30 和厌倦与 18 岁竞争,Dolce 意识到是什么使她感觉最活着也杀死她。在开始一个新的职业背后的摄像头之前, 她踏上很长的路回家,与…